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Previous: Formatting Strings
As an alternative to the method described in the previous section, where the arguments
to be formatted had to be in a tuple, python allows you to use a dictionary to contain
the values to be formatted, and to use the dictionary's keys within the format string
for added readability. To use this feature, put the appropriate key, surrounded in
parentheses, between the percent sign and the format code of the appropriate element
in the format string. For example, suppose the information to be formatted in the
previous section was stored in a dictionary as follows:
>>> info = {'quantity':7,'itemprice':.29,'totalprice':7 * .29}
Then we could produce the same result as the previous example with the
following print statement:
>>> print '%(quantity)d items at %(itemprice)5.2f ' \
... 'per item gives a total of $%(totalprice)4.2f' % info
7 items at 0.29 per item gives a total of $2.03
Notice that python concatenated the two pieces of the formatting string,
due to the presence of the backslash at the end of the first line.
Phil Spector